Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Just come back tomorrow

All of the sudden it is not that easy to just come back tomorrow.  It took everything out of me to do what I did in the first place. I started off at the doctor with my 4 month old my baby for her vaccination. From there I walked on and bought a toilet seat. After that I decided to go to the post office to sort out the baby’s passport. On m way I passed a pharmacy where I got my own antibiotics for my kidney infection. Final stop the post office, I thought I had everything for her passport. I just had enough money for it and a taxi home. I had all the forms signed and two pictures. I had just walked about a mile and felt it all through my body. If it hadn’t been for the pram and the many breaks I wouldn’t have made it. Tired and in pain I was happy to be going home soon and having done all my jobs in town. There was no cue and I walked straight up and handed over all the papers. I was then told I needed a passport of one of the parents to send it with the forms. That was the drop that made the bucket flood as we would say in Dutch. I started crying especially when she said just come back tomorrow. I wanted to say to her no I can’t just come back tomorrow I have no money left for a taxi or the power and energy in my body. It is amazing how some things are so easily said but not for everybody that easily done. It is not her fault I look very healthy and having a baby must mean I am healthy. Never judge a book by its cover. Luckily I do look healthy because one day I will be as healthy as I look. I walked a mile with the aid of a pram but I did it. I will be able to walk before my baby will. Till that day I will not just come back tomorrow

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