Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Missy and Tailly

Missy and Tailly are the best of friends.

Where ever missy goes Tailly follows

Sometimes Tailly wants to go first

Tailly tries to go past missy but can’t go past her head.

Tailly is taller than missy

Tailly can turn very quickly from left to right

Tailly is great to keep a look out

Missy loves fish

When there is fish on the kitchen counter,

Missy will eat it while Tailly is on the look out

Missy loves attention and cuddles

Tailly prefers to knock everything of the coffee table

When Tailly gets hurt Missy Feels it too

Missy screams and runs away with Tailly

They find a quiet place out of everybody’s way

Missy then looks after Tailly and tries to lick the pain away

When missy is a sleep,

Tailly will stay awake to make sure missy is safe.

After a while Tailly becomes to tired

And cuddles into missy and also falls a sleep.

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